Shortest Game of Life

Python, 219 chars

I went for maximum golfage, with just enough interface to satisfy the question.

import time
while 1:
 for i in N:print''.join(' *'[i*20+j in P]for j in N)
 time.sleep(.1);Q=[(p+d)%400 for d in(-21,-20,-19,-1,1,19,20,21)for p in P];P=set(p for p in Q if 2-(p in P)<Q.count(p)<4)

You run it like this:

echo "[8,29,47,48,49]" | ./

The numbers in the list represent the coordinates of the starting cells. The first row is 0-19, the second row is 20-39, etc.

Run it in a terminal with 21 rows and it looks pretty snazzy.

HTML5 Canvas with JavaScript, 940 639 586 519 characters

<html><body onload="k=40;g=10;b=[];setInterval(function(){c=[];for(y=k*k;y--;){n=0;for(f=9;f--;)n+=b[(~~(y/k)+k+f%3-1)%k*k+(y+k+~~(f/3)-1)%k];c[y]=n==3||n-b[y]==3;r.fillStyle=b[y]?'red':'tan';r.fillRect(y%k*g,~~(y/k)*g,g-1,g-1)}if(v.nextSibling.checked)b=c},1);v=document.body.firstChild;v.width=v.height=g*k;v.addEventListener('click',function(e){b[~~((e.pageY-v.offsetTop)/g)*k+~~((e.pageX-v.offsetLeft)/g)]^=1},0);r=v.getContext('2d');for(y=k*k;y--;)b[y]=0"><canvas></canvas><input type="checkbox"/>Run</body></html>

I always wanted to do something with canvas, so here is my attempt (original version online). You can toggle cells by clicking (also possible in running mode).

You can now also try the new version here.

Unfortunately there is an issue I couldn't work around yet. The online version is 11 characters longer because jsFiddle puts a text node just before the canvas (why?) and thus the canvas is no longer the first child.

Edit 1: Lots of optimisations and restructurings.

Edit 2: Several smaller changes.

Edit 3: Inlined the complete script block plus minor changes.

TI-BASIC, 96 bytes (87 for non-competing entry)

For your TI-84 series graphing calculator (!). This was quite a challenge, because there is no easy way to write a buffered graphics routine (definitely nothing built in), and the graph screen has only four relevant graphics commands: Pxl-On(), Pxl-Off(), Pxl-Change(), and pxl-Test().

Uses every accessible pixel on the screen, and wraps correctly. Each cell is one pixel, and the program updates line by line horizontally to the right across the screen. Because the calculators have only a 15MHz z80 processor and BASIC is a slow interpreted language, the code only gets one frame about every five minutes.

User input is easy: before running the program, use the Pen tool to draw your shape on the graph screen.

Adapted from my entry to a code golf contest at the calculator forum Omnimaga.

While 1
If 1=pxl-Test(Y,X)+int(3fPart(3cosh(fPart(6ֿ¹iPart(sum(Ans,Y+1,Y+3

Omnimaga version (87 bytes)

This code has an additional feature: it detects if it is being run for the first time, and if randomizes the screen state. In subsequent runs it automatically continues the simulation if stopped after a frame is finished. However, it is not a competing entry because it does not wrap the screen; the cells on the outer border will always be considered dead if the graph screen is cleared beforehand.

While 1
If 2rand>isClockOn=pxl-Test(Y,X)+int(3fPart(3cosh(fPart(6ֿ¹iPart(sum(Ans,Y,Y+2

This version is probably the most golfed code I have ever written, and contains some truly nasty obfuscatory optimizations:

  • I use the clock state as a flag. At the start of the program, the date/time clock is enabled, and I use the value of the global isClockOn flag to determine whether it is the first iteration. After the first frame is drawn, I turn the clock off. Saves one byte over the shortest other method and about four over the obvious method.

  • I store the states of the three columns next to the one being updated in a 63-element array of base-7 numbers. The 49's place holds the column to the right, the 7's place holds the middle column, and the units place holds the left column--1 for a live cell and 0 for a dead cell. Then I take the remainder mod 6 of the sum of the three numbers around the cell being modified to find the total number of live neighbor cells (it's just like the divisibility by 9 trick—in base 7, the remainder mod 6 equals the sum of the digits). Saves about 10 bytes by itself and gives the opportunity to use the next two optimizations. Example diagram (let's say there is a glider centered at a certain column at Y=45:

    Row # | Cell State       | Stored number | Mod 6 = cell count
    44      Live, Live, Live   49+7+1 = 57     3
    45      Dead, Dead, Live   49+0+0 = 49     1
    46      Dead, Live, Dead   0+7+0  = 7      1

    The center cell will stay dead, because it is surrounded by exactly five live cells.

  • After each row is completed, the numbers in the array are updated by dividing the existing numbers by 7, discarding the decimal part, and adding 49 times the values of the cells in the new column. Storing all three columns each time through would be much slower and less elegant, take at least 20 more bytes, and use three lists rather than one, because the values of cells in each row must be stored before cells are updated. This is by far the smallest way to store cell positions.

  • The snippet int(3fPart(3cosh( gives 1 when the input equals 3/6, 2 when it equals 4/6, and 0 when it equals 0, 1/6, 2/6, or 5/6. Saves about 6 bytes.