Generating BF-code with single purpose

BrainFuck (Score : 13073, BF : 2299 2286, BF (generated) : 1643)


(FYI : over 90% of above code is generated by JS code to generate part of BrainFuck code generating part of BrainFuck code generating ASCII art.)

This program gets one ASCII character ('0'~'9') and print the BF code generating the ASCII art.

Generated BF codes :


Example output for 7 :


JavaScript (JS 455 * 5 = 2275, BF = 3505, score = 5780)

The generated code builds a character table as it produces its ASCII art output to save thousands of plus/minus signs overall. Output is placed into the text box in a prompt window so that it can be copied and pasted into a BF interpreter. The consecutive spaces in this program must remain verbatim for it to work correctly; hopefully, posting the code here will work correctly. (Note: The JS code requires ES5 or JavaScript 1.6 support to work properly.)

M=prompt;S="3cb80kh77j31f4031m10g251p64d1064a20ionle3292032510".substr(5*M(A=[]),5).replace(/./g,function(a){return"'---'0    |0|   |0.---.0|0'---|0.---0 |0|/  |0|---|0|---.0| / |0|  /|0'---.0'0.---'0.   .0/|0----.0 '0 .0 /0 ---|0  /0   /0    '".split(i=j=0)[parseInt(a,26)]+"\n"});for(O="";i<S.length;O+=".")D=A.indexOf(C=S.charCodeAt(i)),i++&&(d=-j+(j=D<0?A.length:D),O+=Array(d>0?1+d:1-d).join(d>0?">":"<")),D<0&&(O+=Array((A[j]=C)+1).join("+"));M(0,O)

brainfuck, (BF 1534 * 5 = 7670, Generated BF = 1293, score = 8963)


Code here includes newlines for readability.

Try it online!