Solving triangles with trigonometry

Python, 441 chars

from math import*
for i in' '*9:
 for a,b,c,A,B,C,R in V:
  if B and C:A=A or pi-B-C
  if a:
   if A:R=R or a/sin(A)
    if b and c:A=acos((b*b+c*c-a*a)/2/b/c)
    elif R:N=asin(a/R);W+=[(b,c,a,B,C,N,R)];A=pi-N
V=[T for T in V if all(t>0 for t in T)]
if V:
 for T in V:print' '.join(map(str,T[:-1]))
else:print'No solution'

Does your typical trig to compute the answer. The current possible solutions are stored as tuples in V. Any unknown values are recorded as 0. A seventh variable R is the value a/sin(A)==b/sin(B)==c/sin(C).

I use a trick where the a/b/c values are cycled each iteration to avoid lots of redundant logic. The inner loop only needs to compute values of the A side or angle.

Plain C, 565 555 530 chars

C is not the best language for Code Golf, I guess, so it's just for fun.

float t[6],u[6],P=3.1415;x,w,j,k,D,E;
#define y(V) for(V=0;V<6;++V)
#define Y if(p[j]&&p[k]&&
#define A(o,s,a,b,c,A,B,C) z(float*p){y(D)y(E)if(j=D%3,k=E%3,j-k){Y c)w=C=acos((a*a+b*b-c*c)/2/a/b);if(A&&B)w=C=P-A-B;Y C)w=c=sqrt(a*a+b*b-2*a*b*cos(C));if(A&&B&&a)w=b=s(B)*a/s(A);Y A&&!B&&!C)w=B=(x=A<P/2&&a<b&&p==u,1-2*x)*(asin(b*s(A)/a)-x*P);}y(j)k=w&&(p==t||x>0)&&o("%f ",a);o("\n");}main(int l,char*q[]){y(j)sscanf(*++q,"%f",t+j),u[j]=t[j];z(t);z(u);j=w||o("No solution\n");}

Compiled with cc -o trig trig.c -lm. Reads input as command line args.