The strange life of a beehive

Ruby, 181 163 153 146 characters

p h.count 1

This implementation follows a standard approach using an array h (dimensions 200 x 200 flattened), where each element is either 0 (no bee) or 1 (bee included). The array [0,-200,201,202,2,3] describes the initial positions of bees (relative to any initial cell).

Input and output as specified above, passes all test cases defined.

Edit 1: changed back to a wrapping solution instead of the "additional space"-version (which was shorter in an intermediate version but now is several characters longer).

Edit 2: removed variable b completely.

Edit 3: warning: this edit made the program horribly slow. I thus reduced the dimensions to 200 each which still is sufficient for up to 150 iterations. Instead of indexing the array by a variable we constantly rotate the array forward. Not really good design, but now we are considerably below the 150.

Python, 152 characters

for i in' '*input():Q=[p+d for d in(1,-1,1j,-1j,1j-1,1-1j)for p in P];P=set(p for p in Q if 1<Q.count(p)<5-(p in P))
print len(P)

This solution keeps track of bee locations with a set of complex numbers. It is pretty slow because the inner loop is quadratic in the number of bees. I've tested up to 50 and it works.

Python, 171 169 158 chars

exec('h=[1<sum(h[(i+x)%s]for x in[-1,-w-1,-w,1,w+1,w])<5-h[i]for i in range(s)];'*input())
print sum(h)

I model the world as a 300*300=900000 1D array (h is actually bigger, but the end is not used), where a bee is a 1 and empty is 0. Size of 300 is fine because at most the growth would be of 2 in each dimension for each generation, and there is no more than 150 generations.

Here is a slightly ungolfed and commented version:

w=300 # width and height of the world
# create initial grid

for k in range(input()):

  for i in range(s):

    # for each point, compute the number of neighbors
    n=sum(map(lambda x:h[(i+x)%s],[-1,-w-1,-w,1,w+1,w]))

    # if that number verifies the conditions, put 1 here, if not put 0

print sum(l)