Find largest sum of subsequence

Python, 91 84 64 chars

 while 1:s=max(s+input(),0);m=max(m,s)
except:print m

Takes about 14 12 72 seconds on the last test case. Edit: using algorithm Paul R found. Edit: nixed the import, using input().

C, 100 characters

main(){char s[80];int i,m=0,n=0;while(gets(s)){i=atoi(s);n=n+i>0?n+i:0;m=m>n?m:n;}printf("%d\n",m);}

Run time = 1.14 s for final test case (10000000) on 2.67 GHz Core i7 with ICC 11.1 (previously: 1.44 s with gcc 4.2.1).

Note: The algorithm used for the above solution comes from Programming Pearls by Jon Bentley. Apparently this algorithm is known as Kadane's Algorithm.

Ruby, 53 characters


Takes about 28 seconds for the last testcase here.