Hard code golf: Regex for divisibility by 7

13,755 12,699 12,731 Characters

This regex does not reject leading zero.


This is tested with The Regex Coach.

How We Get There

The Regex above produced by first constructing a DFA which would accept the input we want (decimals divisible by 7) and then converting to a Regular Expression and fixing the notaion

To understand this, it helps to first make a DFA which accepts the following language:

L = {w | w is a binary representation of an integer divisible by 7 }

That is, it will 'match' binary numbers that are divisible by 7.

The DFA looks like this:

Mod 7 NFA

How it works

You keep a current value A that represents the value of the bits the DFA has read. When you read a 0 then A = 2*A and when you read a 1 A = 2*A + 1. At each step you calculate A mod 7 then you go to the state that represents the answer.

So a test run:

We're reading in 10101 which is the binary representation for 21 in decimal.

  1. We start at state q0, currently A=0
  2. We read a 1, from the 'rule' above A = 2*A + 1 so A = 1. A mod 7 = 1 so we move to state q1
  3. We read a 0, A = 2*A = 2, A mod 7 = 2 so we move to q2
  4. Read a 1, A = 2*A + 1 = 5, A mod 7 = 5, move to q5
  5. Read a 0, A = 2*A = 10, A mod 7 = 3, move to q3
  6. Read a 1, A = 2*A + 1 = 21, A mod 7 = 0, move to q0
  7. The input is accepted so the number 10101 is divisible by 7!

Converting the DFA to a Regular Expression is a tricky task so I got JFLAP to do it for me, producing the following:


For Decimal Numbers

The process is much the same:

I constructed a DFA which accepts the language:

L = {w | w is a decimal number that is divisible by 7}

Here is the DFA:

The logic is similar, same number of states just many more transitions to handle all the extra digits decimal numbers bring.

Now the rule to change A at each step is: when you read a decimal digit n: A = 10*A + n. Then again you just mod A by 7 and go to the next state.


Revision 5

The above regular expression now rejects numbers leading zeros - apart from zero itself of course.

This makes the DFA slightly different, basically you branch off from the initial node when you read the first zero. Reading another zero puts you into an infinite loop on the branched state. I haven't fixed the diagram to show this.

Revision 7

Did some "metaregex" and shortened my regex by replacing some of the unions with character classes.

Revision 10 and 11 (by nhahtdh)

The author's modification to reject leading zero is incorrect. It makes the regexes fail to match valid numbers, such as 1110 (decimal = 14) in the case of binary regex, and 70 in the case of decimal regex. These revision reverts the modification, and consequently, allows arbitrary leading zeros and empty string to match.

This revision increases the size of the decimal regex, since it corrects a bug in the original regex, caused by a missing an edge (9) from state 5 to state 3 in the original DFA.

.NET regex, 119 118 105 bytes


111 characters disallowing initial 0s:


113 characters disallowing initial 0s and supporting negative numbers:


Try it here.

Explanation (of the previous version)

It uses the techniques used by various answers in this question: Cops and Robbers: Reverse Regex Golf. The .NET regex has a feature called balancing group, which can be used for doing arithmetic. (?<a>) pushes a group a. (?<-a>) pops that and doesn't match if there isn't a group a matched before.

  • (?>...) Match and don't backtrack later. So it will always match only the first matched alternative.
  • ((?<-t>)(){3}|){6} Multiply the number of group t by 3. Save the result in the number of group 2.
  • (?=[1468](?<2>)|)(?=[2569](?<2>){2}|)([3-6](?<2>){3}|\d) Match a number, and that number of group 2.
  • ((?<-2>){7}|){3} Remove group 2 a multiple of 7 times.
  • ((?<t-2>)|){6} Remove group 2 and match the same number of group t.
  • $(?(t)a) If there is still a group t matched, match a after the end of string, which is impossible.

I thought this 103 byte version should also work, but didn't find a workaround of the bug in the compiler.


468 characters

Ruby's regex flavor allows recursion (although it's sort of cheating), so it is straightforward to implement a DFA that recognizes numbers divisible by 7 using that. Each named group corresponds to a state, and each branch in the alternations consumes one digit and then jumps to the appropriate state. If the end of the number is reached, the regex matches only if the engine is in the "A" group, otherwise it fails.

It recognizes leading zeros.
