Loop without 'looping'


def method_missing(meth,*args)
  puts 'Banana'

def also
  puts "Orange you glad I didn't say banana?"



Clears its throat, prints "Banana" 3070 times, and also puts "Orange you glad I didn't say banana?".

This uses Ruby's ridiculous just-in-time method definition functionality to define every method that lies alphabetically between the words 'ahem' and 'also' ("ahem", "ahen", "aheo", "ahep", "aheq", "aher", "ahes", "ahet", "aheu", "ahev"...) to first print Banana and then call the next in the list.

Python - 16

or any other language with eval.

exec"print 1;"*9


I've expanded the code into a more readable fashion as this is no longer code golf and added an increment counter so that people can actually see that this program does something.

class P{
    static int x=0;
        new P();
    static void Main(){
        new P();

(Don't do this ever please).

On start we create a new instance of the P class, which when the program tries to exit calls the GC which calls the finalizer which creates a new instance of the P class, which when it tries to clean up creates a new P which calls the finalizer...

The program eventually dies.

Edit: Inexplicably this runs only around 45k times before dying. I don't quite know how the GC figured out my tricky infinite loop but it did. The short is it seems it didn't figure it out and the thread just was killed after around 2 seconds of execution: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/24662454/how-does-a-garbage-collector-avoid-an-infinite-loop-here

Edit2: If you think this is a little too much like recursion consider my other solution: https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/33268/23300

It uses reification of generic methods so that at runtime it constantly is generating new methods and each method in term calls a newly minted method. I also avoid using reference type parameters, as normally the runtime can share the code for those methods. With a value type parameter the runtime is forced to create a new method.