Play the "bzzt" game

CJam - 25


Thanks Howard :)

Try it at


501{…}fI is basically for(int I=0; I<501; ++I) {…}
3s converts 3 to string, i.e. "3"
I3% is I % 3
< gets the left substring - "3".substring(0, I % 3) - which is "" for I % 3 == 0 and "3" otherwise
Is converts I to string
- with 2 strings does a set difference, resulting in an empty string iff I % 3 == 0 (the first string was empty) or I has a 3 digit in it
…I"bzzt"? is like … ? I : "bzzt"; the previous string is treated as a boolean value, where "" is false and any other string is true
N adds a newline

Ruby, 43


Pretty straightforward.

Edit: Saved one byte, thanks Howard!

seq and GNU sed - 42 33 31 30

Works directly in dash, some other shells might need to have history expansion disabled, e.g. with bash set +H:

seq 500|sed 0~3!{/3/!b}\;cbzzt


Code Golf