Draw with your CPU

Python, 358 281 268 221 194 bytes

Monochrome is so last year. This uses multiple processes and syscalls to achieve two color CPU graphs!

import os,time
for i in'0123456':
 while t<1:T=int(time.time())%50;(time.sleep,(id,os.urandom)[i<A[T+49]])[i<A[T]](1)

Output from Activity Monitor (OS X 10.9):

Activity Monitor CPU Load graph Activity Monitor CPU History graph

Repeats on the CPU History graph

Output from MenuMeters:

MenuMeters output

All outputs were generated with an update speed of 1s. No significant background tasks were running, though this output quite easily beats out any single-threaded CPU task.

This code assumes you have 8 cores. It should be pretty easy to modify for fewer/more. It is portable to Linux/UNIX systems (though it has only been tested on OS X), and should produce the same two-color output for any CPU monitor that can distinguish User from System CPU time.

Essentially, this works by forking off seven processes, each of which will choose to spend 1 second sleeping, spinning in usermode, or spinning the kernel. Spinning in kernel mode is achieved by requesting large globs of data from /dev/urandom, which forces the driver backing /dev/urandom to spend a lot of "system" CPU cycles.

EDITED [07/21]: Shortened significantly by using fork() instead of multiprocessing.Process (/dev/urandom only works on *NIX systems anyway so this doesn't reduce portability). Note however that the program now spawns background tasks; you may have to killall Python (or similar) to get rid of the CPU-eaters.

I couldn't resist implementing a few more letters. I got 16 letters, plus a few symbols:

~/._PIN ANCHO... ...VY

The complete alphabet is "ACDFHILMNOPTUVWY", with symbols "._~/\". There are probably lots more characters that can be represented.

Entirely ungolfed code for the extra letters:

from time import*
from multiprocessing import*

chars6 = {
'A': ('123456654321',
'C': ('344556666666',
'D': ('666666655443',
'F': ('66666666666666',
'H': ('666664444466666',
'I': ('66666',
'L': ('666662222222',
'M': ('6665544334455666',
'N': ('66665544336666',
'O': ('3445556666555443',
'P': ('666666666555',
'T': ('777776666677777',
'U': ('6666322236666',
'V': ('66654322345666',
'W': ('66542466424566',
'Y': ('66665433456666',
'_': ('1111111111',
' ': ('000',
'.': ('12221',
'~': ('44445544334444',
'/': ('2234566',
'\\': ('6654322',

s = 'ANCHOVY '
A = '000'.join(chars6[t][0] for t in s)
B = '000'.join(chars6[t][1] for t in s)

def F(n):
 while 1:T=int(time()-t)%len(A);[sleep,[].count,lambda x:f.read(4**9)][(n<int(A[T]))+(n<int(B[T]))](1)
for i in range(7):Process(target=F,args=(i,)).start()

C (Intel Core Duo + OS X/Darwin), 248 bytes

#include <unistd.h>
#include <mach/mach_time.h>
#define M mach_absolute_time()
main(){char*s="JJJIHGFGHIJJJ@BDFHJJJHFDB@JJJJ@JJJJBBBBBBB";uint64_t i,t,y=1;for(;*s;s++){

This code is about as portable as the Great Pyramid of Cheops. Sorry about that. The values returned from mach_absolute_time() are hardware-dependent, but on my machine the value increments about once per nanosecond.

Here's the result:

The word "MAIL" shown in my CPU history graph

There are two graphs because the processor has two cores. I set the maximum CPU load to about 90% because the process is liable to switch between cores whenever I call usleep(). With a 100% load, the process is chained to one core and the results are illegible (see this, for example)

Python, 143

from time import*
while 1:
 while x:x-=1

Each character of the string corresponds to one second of activity, from the ASCII character 0 (max load) through to ~ (very light load). The program runs on a time-synchronised loop, so you can run multiple instances for nicer results.

I used Python 2.7.6 on OS X with an Intel Core i7, but it should work on other computers with a bit of tweaking (adjust the 0.001). The screenshot below was taken with significant background activity.


Update - I was able to produce a clearer graph with time()/10 and a lower update frequency:


And finally, here's a more golfed version (123 bytes) and its result:

from time import*
while 1:
 while x:x-=1


Code Golf