Using body font in formulae

You have to load fontspec with the no-math option.

%    Path=fonts/,
%    Extension=.ttf
\setmainfont{Impact} % a random distinctive font on my system



\begin{center}Body Text\end{center}


By the way, the command \center exists but

  • it has no argument
  • it should only be used implicitly via the center environment

enter image description here

You could also load


And set the fonts to something like (if you’ve added a Rubik.fontspec file to your project directory):

\defaultfontfeatures{ Scale=MatchUppercase, Ligatures=TeX }
\setmathfont{Fira Math}

You can add to this any other characters the Rubik font contains, either with a hex code like "FF, a macro name, or a backtick literal. You can also do ranges, so if the font supports all of Latin-1, you could write range={up,"20-"FF}.

If the font you select does not have Greek letters, use instead:
