An alignment issue with \begin{matrix}

It is much simpler to do that with the dedicated cases environment, or its dcases* variant defined by mathtools):



0 & if branch has been covered, \\
v(d_{\min}(t\in T, b)) & \parbox[t]{15em}{if the predicate has been executed at least twice,}\\
1 & otherwise. \\


enter image description here

This is only a combination of array and matrix...but the enviroment cases it is the just and correct solution.

      0 \\ 
      v(d_{\min}(t\in T, b)) \\
\text{if branch has been covered,}  & \\
\text{if the predicate has been executed at least twice,}& \\


In order not to guess the width, you could use tabular:




  0                      & \text{if branch has been covered,}\\[0.5ex]
  v(d_{\min}(t\in T, b)) & \btext{if the predicate has been \\
                             executed at least twice,}\\[3ex]
  1 & \text{otherwise.}


The (local) resetting of \arraystretch is necessary because cases changes it. Some guessing is still needed, in order to separate the rows.

enter image description here