Typeset saturation function

Using a technique of egreg at Define macro that scans ahead for super- and/or subscript, "absorbs" them and moves their argument, I let xparse help with redefining ^ and _ to handle the kerning.

This MWE uses the saturation.pdf supplied by the OP's code.



$x=\sat_{-5}^{10} u(t)$

$\scriptstyle x=\sat_{-5}^{10} u(t)$

$\scriptscriptstyle x= \sat_{-5}^{10} u(t)$

enter image description here

And just to prove I have resolved the kerning even as the superscript width changes, here is the same example with a wider superscript:

enter image description here


Here is a version that does not require an external image file to be dragged around, but instead saves the tikz image of it at initialization.

\coordinate (A) at (-.7,-.6);
\coordinate (B) at (-.2,-.6);
\coordinate (C) at (+.2,+.6);
\coordinate (D) at (+.7,+.6);
\draw [black, line width=3pt] (A)--(B)--(C)--(D);
$x=\sat_{-5}^{10} u(t)$

$\scriptstyle x=\sat_{-5}^{10} u(t)$

$\scriptscriptstyle x= \sat_{-5}^{10} u(t)$

A solution with tikz.


\tikzset{sat/.search also=/tikz}
  height/.store in=\sat@ht,
  is limits/.is if=sat@limits,
  nolimits/.style={is limits=false},
  limits/.style={is limits=true},
\NewDocumentCommand {\satpic} { O{} m m m } {
\begin{tikzpicture}[baseline=0.5\dp\[email protected]\ht\z@, x=1ex, y=1ex, sat/.cd, nolimits, nodisplay, #1]
  \coordinate (A) at (-\sat@ht/2,-\sat@ht/2);
  \coordinate (B) at (-\sat@ht/7,-\sat@ht/2);
  \coordinate (C) at (\sat@ht/7,\sat@ht/2);
  \coordinate (D) at (\sat@ht/2,\sat@ht/2);
  \draw [black, line width=.6pt, #2] (A)--(B)--(C)--(D);
    \IfValueT {#3} {
      \node [below=1.3pt, inner sep=0pt] at (current bounding box.south) {$\scriptstyle #3$};
    \IfValueT {#4} {
      \node [above=1.3pt, inner sep=0pt] at (current bounding box.north) {$\scriptstyle #4$};
    \IfValueT {#3} {
      \node [anchor=west, inner sep=0pt, xshift=.3ex] at (B) {$\scriptstyle #3$};
    \IfValueT {#4} {
      \node [anchor=east, inner sep=0pt, xshift=-.3ex] at (C) {$\scriptstyle #4$};
\NewDocumentCommand {\sat} { E{!@_^}{{}{}} } {
  {\satpic[display, limits, #1]{#2}{#3}{#4}}
  {\satpic[nodisplay, nolimits, #1]{#2}{#3}{#4}}
  {\satpic[nodisplay, nolimits, #1]{#2}{#3}{#4}}
  {\satpic[nodisplay, nolimits, #1]{#2}{#3}{#4}}

Saturation A: $\sat_{-5}^{10}$ and $\sat!{limits}_{123}^{456}$

Saturation B:
  \sat@{red}_{10}^{200} \sat@{line width=1pt}_{40000}


enter image description here