Torch sum a tensor along an axis

The simplest and best solution is to use torch.sum().

To sum all elements of a tensor:

torch.sum(x) # gives back a scalar

To sum over all rows (i.e. for each column):

torch.sum(x, dim=0) # size = [1, ncol]

To sum over all columns (i.e. for each row):

torch.sum(x, dim=1) # size = [nrow, 1]

Alternatively, you can use tensor.sum(axis) where axis indicates 0 and 1 for summing over rows and columns respectively, for a 2D tensor.

In [210]: X
tensor([[  1,  -3,   0,  10],
        [  9,   3,   2,  10],
        [  0,   3, -12,  32]])

In [211]: X.sum(1)
Out[211]: tensor([ 8, 24, 23])

In [212]: X.sum(0)
Out[212]: tensor([ 10,   3, -10,  52])

As, we can see from the above outputs, in both cases, the output is a 1D tensor. If you, on the other hand, wish to retain the dimension of the original tensor in the output as well, then you've set the boolean kwarg keepdim to True as in:

In [217]: X.sum(0, keepdim=True)
Out[217]: tensor([[ 10,   3, -10,  52]])

In [218]: X.sum(1, keepdim=True)
tensor([[ 8],