Uncaught (in promise): TypeError: Cannot read property 'component' of null

If anyone interested in going with Child route structure. You could follow this model. I found this in ngx-breadcrumbs.

const myRoutes : Route[] = {
    path: '',
    component: HomeComponent        
    path: 'about',
    component: AboutComponent        
    path: 'person',
    children: [
          path: '',
          component: PersonListComponent
          path: ':id',
          component: PersonDetailComponent              
    path: 'folder',        
    children: [
      path: '',
      component: FolderComponent
        path: ':id',
        component: FolderComponent            

Just thought I'd add a comment for the benefit of those who stumble across this for the same reason I did. If your template uses conditional rendering, and those conditions are satisfied asynchronously, the router-outlet cannot be inside the conditional markup because the framework might try to render the markup before the condition is satisfied. For example:

<div *ngIf="someAsyncCall()">
   <header>{{some result from the async call}}</header>

may fail depending on how quickly the async call finishes. It's always safer to include only the static parts of a the markup in the conditional rendering. As in:

<div *ngIf="someAsyncCall()">
    <header>{{some result from the async call}}</header>

I got bit by wrapping the entire page in a "busy indicator" directive which pretty much guaranteed that the router-outlet would not be available all the time. Seems obvious in hindsight, but....

As this article (https://angular-2-training-book.rangle.io/handout/routing/child_routes.html) states when dealing with child routes, just as you define a router-outlet for the root of your application, you must define a router-outlet for your parent component (in this case the ConcursoItemComponent. And technically also the CargoItemComponent & DisciplinaItemComponent) So you have 2 options.

  • Define a router-outlet in the ConcursoItemComponent. This way the router will know where to load the child component (CargoItemComponent) when the user visits c/:concurso/:cargo
  • Don't use child routes and instead make all of your routes at the top router level (root of the application)
    path: 'c/:concurso,
    component: ConcursoItemComponent
    path: 'c/:concurso/:cargo,
    component: CargoComponent
    path: 'c/:concurso/:cargo/:disc,
    component: DisciplinaItemComponent
    path: 'c/:concurso/:cargo/:disc/:assunto,
    component: AssuntoItemComponent

This way the router will always insert the component into the router-outlet at the root of the application.