Build Scan not working for Gradle in Android

My issue was solved after writing the following in build.gradle the top-level file for the project

plugins {
    id '' version '1.16'

buildScan {
    licenseAgreementUrl = ''
    licenseAgree = 'yes'

The issue is with the following line in your build.gradle:

apply plugin:

You need to update as

apply plugin: ''

Another thing you need to pay attention is ALWAYS put the plugin as the very first one, like this:

apply plugin: ''
apply plugin: 'java'

Otherwise, you would see this:

WARNING: The build scan plugin was applied after other plugins. The captured data is more comprehensive when the build scan plugin is applied first.

Please see for how to resolve this problem.

Let me know if this works.

Edit in May 2020:

Now in May 2020, the way to do it is, add the following to the app gradle file:

plugins {
  id "" version "3.3"

buildScan {
    termsOfServiceUrl = ''     
    termsOfServiceAgree = 'yes'                                   


You should place these outside of the buildscript { .. }, e.g., right after it, rather than inside it.

Then the build scan, e.g., with ./gradlew build --scan, should work.

Edit in October 2019:

The current (October 2019) way to get the build scan working is to add the following to the app gradle file

plugins {
    id '' version '2.4.2'                     

buildScan {
    termsOfServiceUrl = ''     
    termsOfServiceAgree = 'yes'                                   


and it would probably be best to get it directly from the gradle build scan user manual in the future for when it changes again.