Tikzpicture Latex: Drawing triangle background

In this example it is simple: just fit the nodes in circles of an appropriate size, and connect them, and fill the area.

                                                    inner sep=0.2cm,
                                                    rounded corners=5mm}]

        \Vertex{A} \EA(A){B} \SO(A){C} \SOEA(A){D} \Edge(A)(C) \Edge(B)(C) \Edge(C)(D) \Edge(B)(D)

        \node [background,
                    fit=(A) (C),
                    label=left:Clique 1] {};
    \end{tikzpicture} \qquad\qquad %second picture
        inner sep=0.2cm,rounded corners=5mm},
        cfit/.style={fill=gray!10,circle,inner sep={0.05cm},fit=#1}]
        \Vertex{A} \EA(A){B} \SO(A){C} \SOEA(A){D} \Edge(A)(C) \Edge(B)(C) \Edge(C)(D) \Edge(B)(D)

        \foreach \X in {B,C,D}
        \draw[gray!10]  let \p1=($(fB.north)-(fB.center)$)
        in  [line width=2*\y1,line join=round] (B.center) -- (C.center) -- (D.center) -- cycle; 

enter image description here

Note that there are advanced solutions around, I will try to dig them out later. Note also that \tikzstyle is deprecated.

There is a plain way to draw. Options line width, line cap=round,line join=round are just good to be together in this situation. No need to use fit library.

enter image description here

\begin{tikzpicture}[n/.style={circle,draw,minimum size=5mm}]
(0,0)    node[n] (A) {A}
(\a,0)   node[n] (B) {B}
(0,-\a)  node[n] (C) {C}
(\a,-\a) node[n] (D) {D};
\draw (A)--(C) node[midway,left=5mm]{Clique 1}
\draw[cyan!30,line width=12mm,line cap=round] (A.center)--(C.center);

(0,0)    node[n] (A) {A}
(\a,0)   node[n] (B) {B}
(0,-\a)  node[n] (C) {C}
(\a,-\a) node[n] (D) {D};

\draw (A)--(C) node[midway,left=5mm]{Clique 2}
\draw[cyan!30,fill=cyan!30,line width=12mm,line cap=round,line join=round] (B.center)--(C.center)--(D.center)--cycle;

Update: A friend suggested that figure can be drawn without using backgrounds library. Here is it.

enter image description here

\begin{tikzpicture}[line cap=round,line join=round,
n/.style={circle,draw,minimum size=5mm}]
\def\a{2} \colorlet{mau}{lime}
(0,0)    coordinate (A)
(\a,0)   coordinate (B)
(0,-\a)  coordinate (C)
(\a,-\a) coordinate (D);

% left part
\draw[mau,line width=12mm] (A)--(C);
\foreach \p in {A,B,C,D} \path (\p) node[n] (L\p) {\p};
\draw (LC)--(LD)--(LB)--(LC)--(LA) node[midway,left=6mm]{Clique 1};

% right part
\draw[mau,fill=mau,line width=12mm,transform canvas={shift={(0:5.5)}}] 
\foreach \p in {A,B,C,D} \path ([shift={(0:5.5)}]\p) node[n] (R\p) {\p};
\draw (RC)--(RD)--(RB)--(RC)--(RA) node[midway,left=6mm]{Clique 2};

Just for fun with PSTricks.


    \pspolygon[fillstyle=solid, fillcolor=green,linewidth=.1cm,
                   linecolor=red!70,linearc=.5,  opacity=0.7]% linecolor=green!70
    (!\psGetNodeCenter{C} C.x 1.61 sub C.y .47 sub)%
    (!\psGetNodeCenter{B} B.x .47 add B.y .9 add)%
    (!\psGetNodeCenter{D} D.x .47 add D.y .47 sub)

enter image description here


                   linecolor=cyan!70, framearc=.9,  opacity=0.7]
    (!\psGetNodeCenter{C} C.x .5 sub C.y .5 sub)%
    (!\psGetNodeCenter{A} A.x .5 add A.y .5 add)%
    \pspolygon[fillstyle=solid, fillcolor=green,linewidth=.1cm,
                   linecolor=red!70,linearc=.5,  opacity=0.7]% linecolor=red!70
    (!\psGetNodeCenter{C} C.x 1.61 sub C.y .47 sub)%
    (!\psGetNodeCenter{B} B.x .47 add B.y .9 add)%
    (!\psGetNodeCenter{D} D.x .47 add D.y .47 sub)

enter image description here

No problem if one don't care about it (See in the image)