Memoir update: Illegal parameter number in definition of \reserved@a

This is a bug in memoir.cls, which has code for emulating textcase.sty when the latter package is not installed.

However, code such as


doesn't work and, as far as I can tell, never has. The code should be

% resort to the
%%%% Nearly a carbon copy from textcase.dtx by David Carlisle
      \def\({$}\let\)\(% $ for emacs :-)
%%%% End copy from textcase.dtx
\fi % end of \IfFileExists

so the code is not absorbed as an argument, but is only read if textcase.sty doesn't exist on the local system.

A fixed version of memoir (v3.7j) have been shipped to CTAN.

It now also includes a warning if you do not have the textcase package on your system.

