How to left align the beginnings of two equations and right align the ends of the equations

Define \ceilset and \ceilif according to your needs and try the following

\noindent Define the following two functions:
&\wedge \colon \ceilset \times \ceilset \longrightarrow \ceilset & & \text{and} & \vee \colon \ceilset \times \ceilset \longrightarrow \ceilset &  \\
\intertext{for each $(A, B) \in \ceilset \times \ceilset $ by the assignments}
&\wedge \colon (A, B) \longmapsto A \cap B && \text{and} & \vee \colon (A, B) \longmapsto \ceilf{A \cup B} &\text{.}

If you also want to align the operators:


Define the following two functions:
&\wedge \colon \ceilset \times \ceilset &&\longrightarrow \ceilset && \text{and} && \vee \colon \ceilset \times \ceilset &&\longrightarrow  \\
\intertext{for each $(A, B) \in \ceilset \times \ceilset$ by the assignments}
&\wedge \colon (A, B) &&\longmapsto A \cap B && \text{and} && \vee \colon (A, B) &&\longmapsto \ceilf{A \cup B} \quad\text{.} \\


Use alignat, that makes pairs of “right aligned/left aligned” columns with no intervening space (that you can add yourself).


\newcommand{\ceilf}[1]{\lceil #1 \rceil}


Define the following two functions 
&\wedge \colon \ceilset \times \ceilset \longrightarrow \ceilset
  &\qquad\text{and}\qquad &&
\vee \colon \ceilset \times \ceilset \longrightarrow \ceilset \\
\intertext{for each $(A, B) \in \ceilset \times \ceilset$ by the assignments}
&\wedge \colon (A, B) \longmapsto A \cap B
  &\qquad\text{and}\qquad &&
\vee \colon (A, B) \longmapsto \ceilf{A \cup B} \makebox[0pt][l]{.}
These functions will be used shortly.


I set the period hanging right, so the symbols are aligned.

enter image description here

You should also considering aligning at the wedge and vee:


\newcommand{\ceilf}[1]{\lceil #1 \rceil}


Define the following two functions
&\wedge \colon \ceilset \times \ceilset \longrightarrow \ceilset
  &\qquad\text{and}\qquad &
\vee \colon \ceilset \times \ceilset \longrightarrow \ceilset \\
\intertext{for each $(A, B) \in \ceilset \times \ceilset$ by the assignments}
&\wedge \colon (A, B) \longmapsto A \cap B
  &\qquad\text{and}\qquad &
\vee \colon (A, B) \longmapsto \ceilf{A \cup B} .
These functions will be used shortly.


enter image description here


  1. I only left the package amsmath that's essential for the code.
  2. The colon after “functions” is wrong.