Write a program to print the sum of the ascii codes of the program

PHP, m4, and other cat-like languages: 150


Found this solution using a simple Haskell program to brute-force it:

f :: String -> Bool
f s = (read s :: Int) == (sum . map fromEnum) s

main = mapM_ print [filter f $ sequence $ replicate n ['0'..'9'] | n <- [1..10]]

Brainf*ck, 255


This will not print the number 255, but rather the 255th ASCII character.

This might be considered cheating because the BF compiler skips over the ¤.

wc, prints 0

Someone said "cat-like languages", so...

An empty file:

Execute with wc -c file.wc. At 0 bytes, I think this is the winner in the 'not really a programming language' category.


cat, prints 80 (base 13)


No terminating newline, the number 8013 is equivalent to 104 in decimal. You can go shorter with 6017 (102 dec), but I figured "base 13" would be worth more geek points.

EDIT: New wc example, this one can be run as a program.


(As encoded in Latin-1 - the ÿ is a byte with value 255)

Sum of bytes is 2223, output is:

  2  2 23 ./w