That's a prime... almost

Pyth, 9 bytes



          - autoassign Q = eval(input())
     PZ   -      prime_factors(Z) 
    l     -     len(^)
   q   Q  -    ^ == Q
 .f     E -  first eval(input()) of (^ for Z in range(inf))
e         - ^[-1]

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Brachylog, 9 bytes

Beating @sundar by using half as much bytes



                    --  Input like [n,k]
{    }ᶠ⁽            --      Find the first n values which
   ~ḋ               --          have a prime decomposition
 ~l                 --          of length k
        t           --      and take the last one

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Jelly, 9 bytes


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How it works

Ç#Ṫ    Main link. Left input: k. Right input: n.

Ç      Apply the helper link to k, k + 1, k + 2, ... until...
 #       n matches are found.
  Ṫ    Retrieve the last match.

ÆfL=³  Helper link. Left argument: k (iterator)

Æf     Yield the prime factors of k.
  L    Compute the length of the list, i.e., the number of prime factors.
   =³  Compare the result with k (left input).