Sum of Binary Substrings

Jelly, 10 7 bytes


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How it works

BṡRḄFS_  Main link. Input: n

B        Convert n to base 2.
  R      Yield [1, ..., n].
 ṡ       Get all overlapping slices of lengths 1 to n.
         This yields empty arrays if the slice size is longer than the binary list.
   Ḅ     Convert each binary list to integer.
    F    Flatten the resulting, nested list.
     S   Compute the sum of the result.
      _  Subtract n from the sum.

Pyth, 10


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sPiR2.:.BQ    ##   Q = eval(input())
       .BQ    ##   get binary string of Q
     .:       ##   get all substrings of that
  iR2         ##   convert them all to base 10
sP            ##   sum all but the last element, which is the input number

CJam, 27 21 bytes

Shoutout to Dennis for helping me save 6 bytes!


Works only with the newest version of CJam (available on TIO). Try it online!

Old version:


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