Switching between different JDK versions in Windows

In case if someone want to switch frequently in each new command window then I am using following approach.

Command Prompt Version:

Create batch file using below code. You can add n number of version using if and else blocks.

@echo off
if "%~1" == "11" (
   set "JAVA_HOME=C:\Software\openjdk-11+28_windows-x64_bin\jdk-11"
) else (
   set "JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_151"
set "Path=%JAVA_HOME%\bin;%Path%"
java -version

Save this batch file as SJV.bat and add this file location in your machine's Path environment variable. So now SJV will act as command to "Switch Java Version".

Now open new command window and just type SJV 11 it will switch to Java 11. Type SJV 8 it will switch to Java 8.

PowerShell Version

Create powershell(ps1) file using below code. You can add n number of version using if and else blocks.

If($args[0] -eq "11")
    $env:JAVA_HOME = 'C:\Software\openjdk-11+28_windows-x64_bin\jdk-11'
    $env:JAVA_HOME = 'C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_151'
$env:Path = $env:JAVA_HOME+'\bin;'+$env:Path
java -version

Save this script file as SJV.ps1 and add this file location in your machine's Path environment variable. So now SJV will act as command to "Switch Java Version".

Now open new powershell window and just type SJV 11 it will switch to Java 11. Type SJV 8 OR SJV it will switch to Java 8.

I hope this help someone who want to change it frequently.

The set command only works for the current terminal. To permanently set a system or user environment variable you can use setx.

setx JAVA_HOME "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_72" /m

The /m option is used to set the variable system wide (and not just for the current user). The terminal must be run as administrator to use this option.

The variable will be available in all new terminal windows, but not the current one. If you also want to use the path in the same window, you need to use both set and setx.

You can avoid manipulating the PATH variable if you just once put %JAVA_HOME% in there, instead of the full JDK path. If you change JAVA_HOME, PATH will be updated too.

There are also a few environment variable editors as alternative to the cumbersome Windows environment variable settings. See "Is there a convenient way to edit PATH in Windows 7?" on Super User.