Mount a Blob Storage as Drive on VM

You can now mount azure blob to Linux Vms. Please note there is a Linux FUSE adapter for Azure storage now which is called Blobfuse. This is an old question but I thought it would be helpful to add a solution for accessing \ Mounting blobs in your Linux VMs using BlobFuse official docs here:

  • Blobfuse is stable, and is supported by Azure Storage given that it is used within its limits documented here:

  • Installation document here:

  • Simply use whatever linux distro package installer with to get the blobfuse, please refer to the installation link above: like in Ubuntu its simply: sudo apt-get install blobfuse fuse

You can't mount blob storage as a drive. If you have a VHD in blob storage you can mount that and attach it to a VM, but as far as I know you can't mount blob storage.

(The one potential exception is with Azure's HDFS implementation which runs on a Linux machine and uses blob storage as the backing store for HDFS.)

If you've uploaded a file to blob storage, you can simply use the Azure APIs to download the file.

Get started with Azure Blob storage using .NET : Download Blobs

There is an example on how to download the blob.