Limit Q promise concurrency in Node js

I'd do this, which will iterate over each URL, building a chain of promises that run when the previous one finishes, and resolves with an array of the request results.

return urls.reduce(function(acc, url){
    return acc.then(function(results)
        return myfunction(url).then(function(requestResult){
             return results.concat(requestResult)
}, Q.resolve([]));

You could turn that into a helper too:

var results = map(urls, myfunction);

function map(items, fn){
    return items.reduce(function(acc, item){
        return acc.then(function(results)
            return fn(item).then(function(result){
                 return results.concat(result)
    }, Q.resolve([])

Note, the bluebird promise library has a helper to simplify this kind of thing.

return, myfunction, {concurrency: 1});