Select attributes on repository.find() with relations (TypeORM)

It's bit late but for all others who visit this page may be helpful there is a option available in typeorm so we can get the result how we want.

return this.repository.find({
  relations: ['user'],
  loadRelationIds: true,
  where: { ... },
  order: { ... }

enter image description here

You can use querybuilder which is one of the most powerful tool of TypeOrm, to do so.

const values = this.billRepository.createQueryBuilder("bill")
    .leftJoinAndSelect("bill.user", "user")
    .where("bill.accountBill LIKE :accountBill", {accountBill})
    .andWhere(" = :userId", {userId:})
    .select(["", "user.surname"])
// .execute() will return raw results.
// To return objects, use .getMany()