Error: The argument type 'void Function(ImageInfo, bool)' can't be assigned to the parameter type 'ImageStreamListener'

That API had a recent breaking change.

here's an example of old vs new use

    // get the width, height
    Image image = new Image.file(myImageFile);
    Completer<ImageInfo> completer = Completer();

    // Old API
//    image.image
//        .resolve(new ImageConfiguration())
//        .addListener((ImageInfo info, bool _) {
//      completer.complete(info);
//    });

    // New API
        .resolve(new ImageConfiguration())
        .addListener(ImageStreamListener((ImageInfo info, bool _) {

    // wait for ImageInfo to finish
    ImageInfo imageInfo = await completer.future;

I struggled with this for a couple of days and then, as an experiment, copied the source code from zoomable_image and created a local file zoomable.dart and edited the offending lines:




I don't feel competent to check out the git file and fix it being a newbie to git. Shouldn't the owner do this?