How to use "import" in node REPL

You cannot use static import statements (e.g. import someModule from "some-module"), at the moment, & I'm not aware of any efforts/tickets/pr's/intents to change that.

You can use import() syntax to load modules! This returns a promise. so for example you can create a variable someModule, start importing, & after done importing, set someModule to that module:

let someModule
  .then( loaded=> someModule= loaded)

Or you can directly use the import in your promise handler:

import("some-module").then(someModule => someModule.default())

For more complex examples, you might want to use an async Immediately Invoked Function Expression, so you can use await syntax:

(async function(){
    // since we are in an async function we can use 'await' here:
    let someModule = await import("some-module")

last, if you start Node.JS with the --experimental-repl-await flag, you can use async directly from the repl & drop the async immediately invoked function:

let someModule = await import("some-module")

// because you have already 'await'ed
// you may immediately use someModule,
// whereas previously was not "loaded"