Rename "Algorithm" to "Listing"


Do not mix lst: with Algorithm floats. The previous solution used \newcommand{\algorithmname}{Listing}, but this could result in LaTeX Error: Command \algorithmname already defined. Instead, apply the following changes:

  1. Rename lst: to alg:.
  2. Change the preamble to:

This does not change the "List of Algorithms" to "List of Listings". The text is found in "":

    Type                  algorithm
    GuiName               Algorithm
    Placement             tbp
    Extension             loa
    NumberWithin          none
    Style                 ruled
    ListName              "List of Algorithms"
    LaTeXBuiltin          false

The improper way to fix this is:

  1. Edit
  2. Change "List of Algorithms" to "List of Listings".
  3. Click Tools >> Reconfigure.
  4. Restart LyX.

At this point, "List of Algorithms" will read "List of Listings".

Fora separate doc add in Document > Settings > Local Layout:

    Type                  listing
    GuiName               Code Listing
    Placement             tbp
    Extension             lol
    NumberWithin          none
    Style                 ruled
    ListName              "List of Listings"
    LaTeXBuiltin          false

Then you can insert this with menu Insert > Float > Listing. This makes the choice document-specific and allows you to use both, rather than change the entire Lyx install.

I changed the List of Algorithms to List of Listings with:

    \listof{algorithm}{List of Listings} 