Floating an algorithm?

Thanks to Harald's advice I found the following two-line solution to my problem:


This was sufficient to make all my algorithm blocks to float exactly as I needed them to.

See also: "float" package reference.

The LaTeX Wikibook section on algorithms explains this very nicely:

The algorithmicx package provides a number of popular constructs for algorithm designs. Put \usepackage{algpseudocode} in the preamble to use the algorithmic environment to write algorithm pseudocode (\begin{algorithmic}...\end{algorithmic}). You might want to use the algorithm environment (\usepackage{algorithm}) to wrap your algorithmic code in an algorithm environment (\begin{algorithm}...\end{algorithm}) to produce a floating environment with numbered algorithms.

Meaning, you only need to add \usepackage{algorithm} and your code snippet will be rendered as a floating figure.

Just importing the float package and keeping the optional float argument makes the algorithm float. E.g.,



Replace [t] with [b] if needed.