Hide tick numbers in a TikZ/PGF axis environment.

Just add yticklabels={,,} to the options for the axis environment. Your example then looks like shown below.

      title={Test Axis},
      xlabel={Test X Label},
      ylabel={Test Y Label},

This feature is documented in Section 4.14.2 (Tick Alignment: Positions and Shifts) on page 180 of the pgfplots 1.4.1 manual. Quite hidden in the last example of the mentioned section.

The line


removes both ticks an labels.

Regarding hiding only the tick labels: one idea is to set the tick label color to the backround color. For example:

\pgfplotsset{tick label style={color=white},
  label style={font=\small},
  legend style={font=\small}

To shift the axis label, additionally modify the corresponding style, for example:

\pgfplotsset{every axis x label/.style={

Adjust the yshift parameter. Similar for the y axis.

\pgfplotsset{every axis y label/.style={

alt text

I've stumbled upon a nice solution using \empty as argument for the labels you want to hide, e.g. yticklabels=\empty.

      title={Test Axis},
      xlabel={Test X Label},
      ylabel={Test Y Label},

The above produces this picture