Python multiprocessing installation: Command "python egg_info" failed with error code 1

In short: Multiprocessing is already pre-installed in python 3, no need to install it.

I found an answer to my question and it's a silly one - multiprocessing is already pre-installed in my version of Python (3.5.2) by default.

It won't show up in the list of packages in Anaconda >> Environments >> root, as it's not a third party package but an internal one.

If anyone is not sure whether this applies to you, just check from multiprocessing import Pool in your Python console.

This is true of all currently supported versions of Python (2.7 and 3.x) and according to a Python maintainer/contributor multiprocessing has been part of the standard library (batteries included) since Python 2.6.

You won't need to do a pip install multiprocessing anymore and do NOT include it in your requirements.txt unless you are maintaining a Python 2.4/2.5 application (please migrate!). On most versions you can just import multiprocessing and you should be fine.

Instead of pip install multiprocessing type instead:

pip install multiprocess

Of course you are trying to install multiprocessing library on python3 while this library is installed on python3 by default and doesn't need to install again. Be Lucky