How to reload in the Android emulator window when developing React Native Apps?

You can add keyboard for the emulator by doing these steps:

 * On Windows
 - Go to "C:\Users\<your name>\.android\avd\<your emulator name>.avd" folder
 - Edit file config.ini
 - Change hw.keyboard=yes (default is no)
 * On Ubuntu
 - ${HOME}/.android/avd/<avd name>/config.ini

Regards, LCD

I think when they say double tap R, they mean on the keyboard within the emulator (i.e., the keyboard for the phone). But I usually reload using the dev menu. I think it would be Ctrl + M for Windows to access that.


  1. Go to AVD manager and click edit on the action column to your emulator Click the Edit Pencil to open configuration settings

  2. Click on "Show Advanced Settings" Button Show Advanced Settings

  3. Scroll to the bottom then check on the checkbox that says "enable keyboard Input" enter image description here
  4. Click the finish button at the bottom right corner then restart your Emulator.