Animation for carousel with ng-boostrap and Angular 2

Here are two animations I used in Angular 9, ng-bootstrap version 6.0.0. Easiest way is to give an entrance animation to Animations are taken from Just make sure you add the css to global styles.css

Animation 1

Animation 1 {
    -webkit-animation: flip-in-ver-left 0.5s cubic-bezier(0.250, 0.460, 0.450, 0.940) both;
            animation: flip-in-ver-left 0.5s cubic-bezier(0.250, 0.460, 0.450, 0.940) both;

 @-webkit-keyframes flip-in-ver-left {
    0% {
      -webkit-transform: rotateY(80deg);
              transform: rotateY(80deg);
      opacity: 0;
    100% {
      -webkit-transform: rotateY(0);
              transform: rotateY(0);
      opacity: 1;
  @keyframes flip-in-ver-left {
    0% {
      -webkit-transform: rotateY(80deg);
              transform: rotateY(80deg);
      opacity: 0;
    100% {
      -webkit-transform: rotateY(0);
              transform: rotateY(0);
      opacity: 1;

Animation 2

Animation 2 {
    -webkit-animation: tilt-in-fwd-tr 0.6s cubic-bezier(0.250, 0.460, 0.450, 0.940) both;
            animation: tilt-in-fwd-tr 0.6s cubic-bezier(0.250, 0.460, 0.450, 0.940) both;

 @-webkit-keyframes tilt-in-fwd-tr {
    0% {
      -webkit-transform: rotateY(20deg) rotateX(35deg) translate(300px, -300px) skew(-35deg, 10deg);
              transform: rotateY(20deg) rotateX(35deg) translate(300px, -300px) skew(-35deg, 10deg);
      opacity: 0;
    100% {
      -webkit-transform: rotateY(0) rotateX(0deg) translate(0, 0) skew(0deg, 0deg);
              transform: rotateY(0) rotateX(0deg) translate(0, 0) skew(0deg, 0deg);
      opacity: 1;
  @keyframes tilt-in-fwd-tr {
    0% {
      -webkit-transform: rotateY(20deg) rotateX(35deg) translate(300px, -300px) skew(-35deg, 10deg);
              transform: rotateY(20deg) rotateX(35deg) translate(300px, -300px) skew(-35deg, 10deg);
      opacity: 0;
    100% {
      -webkit-transform: rotateY(0) rotateX(0deg) translate(0, 0) skew(0deg, 0deg);
              transform: rotateY(0) rotateX(0deg) translate(0, 0) skew(0deg, 0deg);
      opacity: 1;

I wanted a fade in/fade out the transition between slides and found a simpler solution to this:

::ng-deep {
  .carousel-item {
    transition: opacity 0.7s ease !important;
    position: absolute !important;
    display: block !important;
    opacity: 0;
  } {
    position: relative !important;
    opacity: 1;

If you don't want to use ::ng-deep (it seems that is going to be deprecated, or at least I read so last week in you can use a global styles file that will reach all classes in all components

I managed to create left-to-right slide animation based on your approach. active slide goes out with transition to the right when it loses .active and then new .active slides in with delayed animation.

though I recommend using ngx-swiper-wrapper instead - best angular carousel I found so far (

.carousel-inner {
  width: 640px;
  height: 240px;

.carousel-item {
  padding: 40px 55px;
  opacity: 0;
  transition: opacity .3s ease-in-out;
  position: absolute;
  left: 0;
  top: 0;
  right: 0;
  bottom: 0;
  z-index: 0;
  display: block !important;
} {
  z-index: 1;
  opacity: 1;
  transition-delay: .3s;
  transform: none;
  animation: slideFromLeft .3s;
  animation-delay: .3s;

@keyframes slideFromLeft {
  from {
    transform: translateX(-100%);
  to {
    transform: none;

Alright, answering my own question. The following CSS hack will make the animation work just fine

ngb-carousel {
    width: inherit;
    height: inherit;

.carousel-inner {
    overflow: visible;

.carousel-item {
    display: flex !important;
    opacity: 0;
    visibility: hidden;
    transition: opacity 1.2s ease-in-out, visibility 1.2s;
    z-index: -1;
    position: absolute;
    opacity: 1;
    visibility: visible;
    z-index: 10;

.carousel-control-prev {
     z-index: 20;

.carousel-control-next {
     z-index: 20;

    z-index: 20;

Working Plunker