Multicolumn verbatim

Here is one option, using the verbdef package. You define some verbatim content in a macro, and then use the macro wherever you need it.

enter image description here

\verbdef{\verbtext}{Verbatim text (in merged row)}% Verbatim text
\verbdef{\verbnum}{verbatim number}% Verbatim number
\verbdef{\verbfancy}{@'#&%^}% Fancy verbatim
  \multicolumn{2}{c}{\verbtext} \\
  some text  & some text \\
  \verbnum   & \verbnum \\
  \verbfancy & \verbfancy \\

Verbatim text, otherwise, cannot be supplied as-is as an argument to a macro. See the UK TeX FAQ entry: Why doesn’t verbatim work within ...?

Take a look at the package tabu – in the manual there's an own (sub)section named “Inserting Verbatim material (fancyvrb)”. That mean’s , you need fancyvrb, too, but this is IME not a disadvantage. (I myself have no experience with it.)

Here’s an example (partly stolen from the manual):





According to the manual you need \texttt{tabu*} (the starred version).
I've added \Verb[commandchars=\\\{\}]|{\color{red}{\textbackslash}color}|
to show you some of the extended features of \texttt{fancyvrb}.


\begin{tabu*} spread 0pt {|X[-1r]|X[-1l]|}
This is a small\newline
\Verb[commandchars=/\{\}]+{/color{green}\Verbatim}+ insertion
\vspace{-\baselineskip} %needs to be placed here
And this is a complete
{/color{blue}Verbatim} environment


Outside of the tabular environment \Verb|commandchars=\\\{\}| works fine,
which makes the backslash the familiar activation character for macros,
but inside it conflicts with the redefinition of \Verb|\\| -- therefore
it is replaced by \texttt{/}. There seem to be some other caveats, too --
for the comment character see the manual.


result of MWE: test with “tabu*”