Blur the text so it's not readable

Using a variation of the technique Dissecting paragraphs with \lastbox described in Section 5.9.6 of TeX by Topic, you can produce a blur effect; the idea is to use two copies for each line and typeset the line and its copies superimposed:


  \box\slinebox \fi





enter image description here

In a comment, doncherry suggested horizontally shifting the layers to decrease legibility; this can be done using this definition of \duplines:


and defining \BlurText as before, here's the new result of \BlurText{\lipsum[1]}:

enter image description here

And a little modification using some color:


and in \duplines:


enter image description here

Here is a TikZ-solution.

\draw [black!#1] node at (#2,#2) {#3};
\draw [black!#1] node at (0,#2) {#3};
\draw [black!#1] node at (#2,0) {#3};
\draw [black!#1] node at (-#2,#2) {#3};
\draw [black!#1] node at (-#2,0) {#3};
\draw [black!#1] node at (0,-#2) {#3};
\draw [black!#1] node at (#2,-#2) {#3};
\draw [black!#1] node at (-#2,-#2) {#3};

\draw [black!40] node at (0,0) {#1};

For example:

\blurry{This text is a little bit blurry.}

blurry example

In order to strengthen the blur effect, you will have to play with the numbers in the \blurry-command.

