Centering part entries in toc using memoir

You can redefine the \@part command as defined in memoir.cls; this command in in charge of producing the part entries in the ToC; the redefinition basically consists in introducing two \hfils to center the entries:


  \ifnum \c@secnumdepth >-2\relax
   \interlinepenalty \@M
   \ifnum \c@secnumdepth >-2\relax
     \printpartname \partnamenum \printpartnum


\part{Part A}
\chapter{Chapter a}
\part{Part B}
\chapter{Chapter b}


enter image description here

The above code will center the entries with respect to the text width minus the length \@tocrmarg (default value of 2.55em) reserved to typeset the page numbers for other sectional units using some extra space; you can change this, and center the entries with respect to the full text width by adding \hspace*{\@tocrmarg} just before the first \hfils in my example code above.

Hmm, that can be done with much shorter code:

\renewcommand\partnumberline[1]{\hfil\hspace\@tocrmarg #1~}

(not entirely sure why though, it's late ...)