Plot Dini's surface

Wikipedia could be right. Most importantly, you need to add trig format plots=rad. Then you might reorder the axes directions, change the parameters and plot ranges, add different colormaps for the interior and outerior, add a point meta, and so on. This allows you to qualitatively reproduce their result.

 \begin{axis}[view={10}{10},hide axis,
 colormap={bluegray}{color=(blue) color=(gray!20)},
 mesh/interior colormap={orangered}{color=(red) color=(orange)},
 trig format plots=rad,point meta={z*z+y*y-0.3*z}]
  samples=201,samples y=25,
  domain=1.5*pi:6.5*pi,y domain=0.02*pi:0.12*pi,
  z buffer=sort]
  ({2*(cos(y)+ln(tan(y/2))) + 0.6*x},{2 *cos(x) * sin(y)}, {-2*sin(x) * sin(y)} 

enter image description here

Or, if you want to see the trumpet shape more pronounced,

 \begin{axis}[view={12}{10},hide axis,
 colormap={blueyellow}{color=(blue) color=(yellow)},
 mesh/interior colormap={orangeyellow}{color=(red) color=(yellow)},
 trig format plots=rad,point meta={z*z+y*y-0.5*z}]
  samples=101,samples y=15,
  domain=1.5*pi:6.5*pi,y domain=0.02*pi:0.48*pi,
  z buffer=sort]
  ({2*(cos(y)+ln(tan(y/2))) + 0.7*x},{2 *cos(x) * sin(y)}, {-2*sin(x) * sin(y)} 

enter image description here

Or with the color map Sigur.

 \begin{axis}[view={12}{10},hide axis,
 colormap={Sigur inv}{rgb255(0cm)=(106,172,233); rgb255(1cm)=(241,238,141); rgb255(2cm)=(181,99,233)},
 mesh/interior colormap={Sigur}{rgb255(0cm)=(181,99,233); rgb255(1cm)=(241,238,141); rgb255(2cm)=(106,172,233)},
 trig format plots=rad,point meta={z*z+y*y-0.5*z}]
  samples=101,samples y=15,faceted color=blue!40!mapped color,
  domain=1.5*pi:6.5*pi,y domain=0.02*pi:0.48*pi,
  z buffer=sort,line width=0.01pt]
  ({2*(cos(y)+ln(tan(y/2))) + 0.7*x},{2 *cos(x) * sin(y)}, {-2*sin(x) * sin(y)} 

enter image description here

All of these can be animated in the usual way.

\foreach \X in {0,0.1,...,1.9}
 \begin{axis}[view={12}{10},hide axis,
 colormap={Sigur inv}{rgb255(0cm)=(106,172,233); rgb255(1cm)=(241,238,141); rgb255(2cm)=(181,99,233)},
 mesh/interior colormap={Sigur}{rgb255(0cm)=(181,99,233); rgb255(1cm)=(241,238,141); rgb255(2cm)=(106,172,233)},
 trig format plots=rad,point meta={z*z+y*y-0.5*z}]
  samples=101,samples y=15,faceted color=blue!40!mapped color,
  domain={(1+\X)*pi}:{(6+\X)*pi},y domain=0.02*pi:0.48*pi,
  z buffer=sort,line width=0.01pt]
  ({2*(cos(y)+ln(tan(y/2))) + 0.7*x},{2 *cos(x) * sin(y)}, {-2*sin(x) * sin(y)} 

enter image description here


\psset[pst-solides3d]{viewpoint=20 -20 30 rtp2xyz,Decran=15,lightsrc=viewpoint}
   {\A*(cos(v)+ln(tan(v/2))) + \B*u}
  base=0 pi 8 mul  0.1 2, fillcolor=yellow!50,
  incolor=green!50, function=shell, linewidth=0.5\pslinewidth,ngrid=100 50]%

enter image description hereenter image description hereenter image description here


\psset[pst-solides3d]{viewpoint=20 \iA\space 30 rtp2xyz,Decran=15,lightsrc=viewpoint}
   {\A*(cos(v)+ln(tan(v/2))) + \B*u}
  base=0 pi 8 mul  0.1 2, fillcolor=yellow!50,
  incolor=green!50, function=shell, linewidth=0.5\pslinewidth,ngrid=100 50]%

And then use convert from ImageMagick:

convert -delay 50 -loop 0 -density 300 -scale 300 -alpha remove test.pdf test.gif

The last animation has a fixed lightsource at 10 10 10