Iterate over colors on next pie chart with pgf-pie

This is a slight variation of gigi's answer, whose code I am using. It is less manual, but it redefines things from the pgf-pie package (which does not come with TeXLive, as it seems). You need to issue \pgfpiecolorsync in order to continue the color in the next pie.

  \foreach \c [count=\j from 0] in \color {
    \ifnum \j=\ci

    \pie{58.54/A, 39.02/B, 2.44/C}
    \pie{87.8/A, 12.2/B}

    \pie{58.54/A, 39.02/B, 2.44/C}
    \pie{87.8/A, 12.2/B}


enter image description here

A manual approach: remove the first n colors from this list:



    \pie{58.54/A, 39.02/B, 2.44/C}

Some text.

%    blue!60, cyan!60, yellow!60,
          orange!60, red!60,
          blue!60!cyan!60, cyan!60!yellow!60, red!60!cyan!60,
          red!60!blue!60, orange!60!cyan!60}]{87.8/A, 12.2/B}


enter image description here


Pgf Pie