How to colour a table with opaque colour such that no text and no lines are visible?

\color{green} before the table will color the lines and text

\begin{tabular}{| c | c |}
  a & b \\
  c & d \\

I'm not sure whether I understood your question correctly or not. The following typesets its argument inside a box and outputs a green box which has the same size as the argument would have had.



              height \ht\overgreenboxBox
              depth \dp\overgreenboxBox
              width \wd\overgreenboxBox

\overgreenbox{\begin{tabular}{| c | c |}a&b\\c&d\\\end{tabular}}

enter image description here

You can colourise both cell background and text using the same colour for text and background. If you load the array-package, you can define a new column type G (for green). \arrayrulecolor colourise the lines. Depending of your goals; with this approach you can change each of the three coloured item individually:


\arrayrulecolor{green} % Colourise rule for all tabulars, move inside the tabular environment to limit scope


\begin{tabular}{| * {2}{G|}}
a & b \\
c & d \\

enter image description here