CircuiTikZ: Start ground relative to the closest component

Although I suspect this is a kind of XY problem, no, there is no provision (for now) for a tailless ground symbol. It is quite straightforward to define one, though:



        \draw (0,0) node[ground]{} to [C, *-*] (0,2);
        \node[xshift=1.75cm](0,0){$ \leftarrow $ Start ground here};
        \draw (4,0) node[myground]{} to [C, *-*] (4,2);

tailless ground

Note that I also simplified out your zero-length short.

You can just shift the ground up a little, if you don't mind overlapping the tail.



        \kludge=\ctikzvalof{monopoles/ground/width}\csname pgf@circ@Rlen\endcsname
        \draw (0,0) node[ground,yshift=1.2\kludge]{} to [C,*-*] (0,2);
        \node[right=0.5\kludge]{$ \leftarrow $ Start ground here};