isKindOfClass doesn't work as expected

I found the solution.

It's the inverse of the solution presented in the post linked by @vacawama in the comments. I had all *.m source of the app target in the test target too. While i was searching for a solution to the isKindOfClass problem i noticed a lot of warning on the console at the begin of the test session. The warnings was like this:

Class AClass is implemented in both /Application Support/iPhone Simulator/5.0/Applications/7FC68A9C-4F2C-4A30-85AD-87D8ABA7A275/ and /Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/App-fvbgaqbdupuoodgquxhlwbudpsin/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/App.octest/AppTests. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.

I removed all .m files of the application from test target.

Now isKindOfClass works as expected.

Thank to all for the support.

You shouldn't directly compare BOOL values to YES. It's possible this is causing the issue with your assert. Here's a reference with background on the issue: