Find the index of a character in a string

U can find index of the character ")" like this:

NSString *Original=@"88) 12-sep-2012";
NSRange range = [Original rangeOfString:@")"];
if(range.location != NSNotFound)
 NSString *result = [Original substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(0, range.location)];

You can use the following code to see the characters before ")"

   // this would split the string into values which would be stored in an array
   NSArray *splitStringArray = [yourString componentsSeparatedByString:@")"];
   // this would display the characters before the character ")"
   NSLog(@"%@", [splitStringArray objectAtIndex:0]);

To print the characters before the first right paren, you can do this:

NSString *str = [[yourString componentsSeparatedByString:@")"] objectAtIndex:0];
NSLog(@"%@", str);

// If you need the character index:
NSUInteger index = str.length;

NSUInteger index = [Original rangeOfString:@")"];

NSString *result = [Original substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(0, index)];