How to select a random key from a HashMap in Java?

from top of my head

List<A> keysAsArray = new ArrayList<A>(map.keySet())
Random r = new Random()

then just


You need access to the underlying entry table.

// defined staticly
Field table = HashMap.class.getDeclaredField("table");
Random rand = new Random();

public Entry randomEntry(HashMap map) {
    Entry[] entries = (Entry[]) table.get(map);
    int start = rand.nextInt(entries.length);
    for(int i=0;i<entries.length;i++) {
       int idx = (start + i) % entries.length;
       Entry entry = entries[idx];
       if (entry != null) return entry;
    return null;

This still has to traverse the entries to find one which is there so the worst case is O(n) but the typical behaviour is O(1).

I managed to find a solution without performance loss. I will post it here since it may help other people -- and potentially answer several open questions on this topic (I'll search for these later).

What you need is a second custom Set-like data structure to store the keys -- not a list as some suggested here. Lists-like data structures are to expensive to remove items from. The operations needed are adding/removing elements in constant time (to keep it up-to-date with the HashMap) and a procedure to select the random element. The following class MySet does exactly this

class MySet<A> {
     ArrayList<A> contents = new ArrayList();
     HashMap<A,Integer> indices = new HashMap<A,Integer>();
     Random R = new Random();

     //selects random element in constant time
     A randomKey() {
         return contents.get(R.nextInt(contents.size()));

     //adds new element in constant time
     void add(A a) {

     //removes element in constant time
     void remove(A a) {
        int index = indices.get(a);

Sounds like you should consider either an ancillary List of keys or a real object, not a Map, to store in your list.