Is it a balanced number?

05AB1E, 14 7 bytes



Using 141 as example:

€D       # duplicate each (turns the number into a list of digits)
         # STACK: ['1','1','4','4','1','1']
  2ä     # split list in 2 (as we duplicated each element, 
         # the middle element will exist on both sides for an odd length input
         # STACK: [['1','1','4'],['4','1','1']]
    O    # sum each sublist
         # STACK: [6,6]
     `   # flatten
         # STACK: 6, 6
      Q  # compare for equality
         # STACK: 1 (true)

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><>, 31 29 bytes


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Line 1: Standard input loop

Line 2: Discard the -1 on top of the stack, push two 0's and rotate one to the bottom of the stack (this ensures that inputs of length <3 don't exhaust the stack later in the program)

Line 3: If the length of the stack is >3, add the top two and bottom two elements of the stack together.

Line 4: If top and bottom of the stack are equal, output 1, 0 otherwise.

Edit: realised that there's no need to take the characters mod 12, 2 bytes saved

Haskell, 64 63 bytes

b(a:t@(r:s))=a-last t+b(init t);b _=0

One Byte Saved thanks to nimi