The Base in the mix

Python 3, 40 bytes

lambda a:sum(map(int,map(str,a),[10]+a))

Tests are at ideone

map(str, a) creates a generator, G, that calls str on each value in a, converting to strings
map(int, G, [10]+a) creates a generator that calls int(g, v) for pairs across G and [10]+a
int(g, v) converts the string g from the integer base v (if v is in [2,36] and g is valid)
sum does what it says on the tin

Python 2, 48 bytes

lambda a:sum(int(`x`,y)for x,y in zip(a,[10]+a))

Tests are at ideone

zip(a,[10]+a) traverses pairs of the values in a, and the previous value or 10 for the first
the backticks in the int call convert x to a string, s
int(s, y) converts the string s from the integer base y (if y is in [2,36] and s is valid)
sum does what it says on the tin

Perl, 35 34 33 bytes

Includes +2 for -ap

Run with the list of numbers on STDIN: <<< "4 12 34 20 14 6 25 13 33";echo

#!/usr/bin/perl -ap
$\+=$&+"$`$& 10"*/.$/*$`for@F}{

I've been waiting for ages for a chance to use this abuse...


The input numbers can have at most 2 digits. A number xy in base b is simply b*x+y. I'm going to use the regex /.$/ so the first digit ends up in $` and the last digit in $&, so the contribution to the sum is $&+$b*$`.

I abuse the fact that for does not properly localize the regex variables (like for example map and while do) so the results of a match in the previous loop is still available in the current loop. So if I'm careful about the order in which I do the operations the base is available as "$`$&", except for the very first loop where I need the base to be 10. So I use "$`$& 10" instead

The way the first $& works is an abuse too since it is actually changed by the /.$/ while it is already on the stack waiting to be added.

The final abuse is the }{ at the end which changes the loop implied by -p from

LINE: while (defined($_ = <ARGV>)) {
continue {
    die "-p destination: $!\n" unless print $_;


LINE: while (defined($_ = <ARGV>)) {
continue {
    die "-p destination: $!\n" unless print $_;

Which means $_ will be undefined in the print, but it still adds $\ in which I accumulated the sum. It is also a standard golf trick to get post-loop processing