Telegraphy Golf: Decode Baudot Code

Pyth, 98 97 95 93 90 83 80 bytes

The code contains unprintable characters, so here is a reversible xxd hexdump:

00000000: 753f 7133 4a69 4832 5047 2b47 3f3c 334a  u?q3JiH2PG+G?<3J
00000010: 4040 6332 2e22 275a 75ae 5751 fb4e 3cd7  @@c2."'Zu.WQ.N<.
00000020: 02ce 8719 aac1 e0e0 fe1f 09e5 85bc a767  ...............g
00000030: 8e0c 1f47 508a cad1 1acb b26f 951e e5d6  ...GP......o....
00000040: 225a 4a2a 5c20 715a 3d5a 744a 637a 356b  "ZJ*\ qZ=ZtJcz5k

Try it online. Test suite.

Quite long, but the lookup table does take up most half of the space.

For 117 bytes, here's the same thing without unprintables (needs ISO-8859-1, though):

u?q3JiH2PG+G?<3J@@c2."'Zu®WQûN<×\x02Î\x87\x19ªÁààþ\x1f\tå\x85¼§g\x8e\x0c\x1fGP\x8aÊÑ\x1a˲o\x95\x1eåÖ"ZJ*\ qZ=ZtJcz5k

Or, for 93 bytes, with no compression on the lookup table:

u?q3JiH2PG+G?<3J@@c2"OVDPYSBREXGMIWFNA-JKUTCQ/ZHL5'0+3;8-2;7);?;;1.6(4;9/;:;="ZJ*\ qZ=ZtJcz5k

JavaScript (ES6), 160 158 153 bytes

let f =
s=>s.replace(/.{5}/g,s=>(n='0b'+s-1)<2?m-n?(m^=1,''):' ':"? !YSBREXGMIWFNA-JKUTCQ/ZHLOVDP? ?!3 8-2 7) ?  1.6(4 9/ : =5'0+"[n+m*32],m=0).replace(/.!/g,'')


Batch, 306 304 bytes

@echo off
set r=
set d=! !!YSBREXGMIWFNA-JKUTCQ/ZHLOVDP!! !3!8-2!7)!?!!1.6(4!9/!:!=5'0+
set s=2
set c=%c:~5%
if %n%==%s% set/as^^=35&goto l
call set r=%%r%%%%d:~%n%,1%%
if %r:~-1%==! set r=%r:~,-2%&goto l
if not "%c%"=="" goto l
echo %r%

Takes input on STDIN. Since Batch has no binary conversion, I have to fake it using octal and hex conversion.

  • The first two digits are converted from octal (I can't use decimal because the first digit might be 0). Possible values are 00, 01, 10 and 11. The latter two have value 8 and 9 but I want 2 or 3 so I take the remainder modulo 6.
  • The last three digits are converted from hexadecimal. Digits are either 14 or 252 times their desired value, to I take the remainder modulo 14 (252=14*18).
  • c is the coded string
  • r is the result so far
  • d is the decoding array
  • s is the the index (taking the shift state into account) of the character that switches shift state
  • n is the binary decode plus bit 5 of s, which either equals the shift state, in which case the shift state is toggled, or indexes into the decoding array to find the next character (or ! to erase)