How to reference the Index?

You can do it with imakeidx:


\usepackage{hyperref} % creates links on refs


% add something to the index...
The foobar\index{foobar} is quite impressive!

% some reference to the index...
Please follow the \hyperref[index]{index}.

% print index...


There is a hook \setindexpreamble in the scr classes to add material at the beginning of the index. You can use this to set your label. Using just \ref will give a blank link, you need either a \pageref or a \nameref.

Sample output


\usepackage{hyperref} % creates links on refs


    % add something to the index...
    The foobar\index{foobar} is quite impressive!

    % some reference to the index...
    Please see the \nameref{index}.

    % print index...

In standard classes such as article and book you can use the etoolbox package to patch theindex environment to provide a suitable anchor as follows:


You can usefully refer this either via \pageref, or via \hyperref[index]{text description} and in particular \hyperref[index]{\indexname}




    % add something to the index...
    The foobar\index{foobar} is quite impressive!

    % some reference to the index...
    Please see the \hyperref[index]{\indexname}.

    % print index...