Compute denominator and numerator of irreducible fraction from arbitrary fraction

You could use the gcd() function to reduce the fractions:


    \foreach \x in {1,...,#1} {%


Did't know about gcd, make it by myself ;-(

enter image description here



    \foreach \x in {1,...,#1} {%



\documentclass [a4paper]{article}
\usepackage [margin=1cm]{geometry}

    \xintFor ##1 in {\xintintegers} \do {%
        \xintIrr {##1/#1}\ \ \ 
% Note to the techies: ##1 from \xintintegers is in fact a \numexpr thing;
% generally a \numexpr needs to be prefixed by \the to be used in the xintfrac
% macros, but it is ok if it contains only at most eight tokens. As the macro is
% unlikely to be called as is with #1>99999999, no need to bother, and it is a
% bit more efficient to not do \the.

    \xintFor ##1 in {\xintintegers} \do {%
        \xintFrac{\xintIrr {##1/#1}}\allowbreak\ 

\noindent\fractions {420}

\noindent\baselineskip14pt $\mathfractions {420}$\par

\edef\Result{\xinttheexpr reduce (40!*60!*80!/(100!*30!*50!))\relax }

