How to bend more than 90 degree?

Option 1

You could change your bend right=90 to out=-45, in=45.

enter image description here

Option 2

You could use a Bezier curve. Adjust the 5 to the value you like.

\draw[red](b.east) .. controls +(5,0) and +(5,0) .. (a.east);

enter image description here

Are you looking for the looseness Option?

  \node(b)[below=5cm of a]{test2};
  \draw[red,bend right=90,

enter image description here

Or with

\draw[red,out=-20, in=20,

enter image description here

You can use distance:

\draw[red](b.east)to[bend right=90,distance=7cm](a.east);


\node(b)[below=5cm of a]{test2};
\draw[red](b.east)to[bend right=90,distance=7cm](a.east);

enter image description here

Or you can put the controls straight in the options of to operation.

\draw[red](b.east)to[controls=+(0:7) and +(0:7)](a.east);


\node(b)[below=5cm of a]{test2};
\draw[red](b.east)to[controls=+(0:7) and +(0:7)](a.east);


Tikz Pgf