how to pass "question mark" in url javascript

you can create a parameter object like:

var param = {
    page: 2

There is not enough details in your question so I will assume that you are using AngularJS routing - or at least the $location service - in non-HTML5 mode. If so, the part after the # character represents your URL from the single-page-application point of view (more about AngularJS here).

If the above assumptions are correct it means that you shouldn't try to add or manipulate the question mark "by hand". Instead you should change the search part of the $location to manipulate query string (part after ?) and the question mark will be added / removed to the final URL as needed.

In your case you could write:

$location.path('/store/items').search('page', 2)

This is assuming that you are manipulating URLs from JavaScript, as stated in your question.

If you are using the $location service then use $location.url('/store/items?page=2') instead. This has been a setter method from at least 1.0.7 and works a treat in my 1.1.5 app.